How Docomo’s LTE over Satellite Technology Aided Japan’s Earthquake Relief Efforts

When a natural disaster causes cellular terrestrial networks to become compromised or fail, advanced satellite technologies, proprietary and/or compliant with 3GPP standards, such as non-terrestrial network (NTN) technology, are proving to be key in maintaining the communication links needed to coordinate rescue efforts. This was demonstrated recently by NTT Docomo, Japan’s leading mobile operator, during … Read more

Building Sustainable Communities with IoT

The Future of Resilience Contest with Microchip Sequans and Microchip have been working together to simplify and lower the cost of IoT device design. To support this objective, Microchip has introduced the AVR-IoT Cellular Mini development board, which gives developers an easy blueprint for building 5G IoT devices. It is based on Microchip’s 8-bit AVR128DB48 … Read more